
it started, again

Tori will tour this summer, and so goes my craziness to go to as many shows as possible. This morning Brian and I purchased tickets for San Diego and LA. The frenzy of trying to get the best tickets imaginable is insane, and I always feel like I don't get the best seat in the house - I suppose it could always be worse, right? Either way, it will be magical. Both shows are outdoors, San Deigo is by the harbor.

Also, today is Shelly's birthday. We are going to Hu Hot for lunch and Genji for dinner. Good times, good times.



you better let somebody love you...

oh, those japs!

If you want to play a game where a football player steals your protein shake and you have to bust through walls to get it back, then this is for you. You can play any of the diverse, speedo-wearing muscle men. Hell, you can even play as a polar bear. Aw, I just love the p-bears. That being said, you gotta love the Japs.


sinful sounds

Tori's Abnormally Attracted To Sin comes out today. I had the chance to listen to it the other night...it's amazing - as they all are. Tour dates are coming up, I will be traveling to see her. Across the plains and mountains to San Diego and LA. Down a couple hours to Kansas City. And in the windy city for most likely my last show in Chicago.

You can check out her entire album on her myspace.


just listening

sleepy eyed
flowing to the keys
and the word
keep it playing the whole way through
that's all you have to do, i say

the sun will be up soon
i thought you were my sun
and i was yours
you gotta bring the fuel
bring it, light a match, watch it burn
burned so fast

too fast
so i keep listening
and flowing



So much news since the last post. I have a new residence. And, Dennis got me my first 'house warming' present: a pineapple. I couldn't think of anything better. Besides the fact I've never had to cut a pineapple, it looks nice sitting on the counter.

I don't have any photos yet, since I've lost one camera that I have the charger to, and the one camera I have, I can't locate its charger...such is life.

*I got to see Wicked last week with Molly. I loved it and I went in thinking I would dislike it very much. Thank you Molly for date night with two different kinds of cheesecake. My love handles appreciate it.

*Mother's Day - I got my mom and sister new purses. My mother's is a little larger than she is used to. No folks, this is not one of those giant, metallic purses with zippers and gadgets coming out of every seam. It's a nice black nylon with peanut leather lining. We smoked ribs, which I ate for the first time in all my 26 years. I only ate them because they were boneless.

*I've been loving this weather - rain, thunder and gloomy days keep my heart warm.

More to come, I will hopefully have photos of my apartment, or even better, you will have to come see it.