
Working, but not working.

I didn't think that I could get on this at work, but here am I. I am just going to vent for a moment about First National customers. There are many of them that are some of the laziest people I know. They act like it's the end of the world to fill out a simple deposit slip - or even better, half of them don't even know how to.

On January 12, my new nephew was born. Garrett Jonathon was 9 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches long! I believe he may have been born wearing a football helmet. The little guy has jaundice and has to wear this machine around his stomach that glows bright blue. Hopefully he doesn't have to wear it much longer.

Also, I saw Brokeback Mountain on Saturday. It was very good and I would definately see it again! One funny incident was the two men, or boys, who sat behind us - maybe ironic isn't the correct word for this - but, they sat one seat apart, also known as the homo-space. Why I found this to be funny was they were using the homo-space at the movie about two homos. Or maybe you just would've had to been there.


Heather B said...

I will totally go see it again with you, Tiff & I loved it! I now have a mad crush on Heath.

James Kernan Ferrin said...


Tiffany said...

I thought they were both hot!